
Top 10 Reasons For Failing Your Driving Test

10 Top reasons for failing your driving test

1. Not making effective observations at junctions
2. Not using mirrors correctly when changing direction
3. Not having proper control of the steering
4. Incorrect positioning when turning right at junctions
5. Not moving off safely
6. Not responding appropriately to traffic lights
7. Poor positioning on the road during normal driving
8. Not responding correctly to traffic signs
9. Not having control of the vehicle when moving off
10. Not keeping control of the vehicle during reverse parking

StartnDrive has been providing driving lessons in Eastbourne for over 21 years with consistently high pass rates. Our first time pass rates are well above the national average! 

Avoid Cutting Corners!

cutting the corner in driving lessons

Do not cut the corner when turning right as you could potentially cause an accident. Turning early to beat the on coming traffic or poor (lazy) steering is dangerous.

To avoid cutting corners the correct procedure is to turn the steering wheel just before the broken white centre line of the junction you are turning into. If cutting the corner is unavoidable, for example the junction is obstructed by a parked car etc…. then slow down and be prepared to stop, look further into the road to assess if it is safe to make the right turn. 

This will be covered in our driving lessons. Check out our footage below to see what can happen!


Which side of the car is the fuel cap on?

putting fuel in with driving instructor

It’s a situation that all drivers will face at some point, not knowing which side the fuel cap is on. Whether it is in your own car and you have simply forgotten. Or you are in a rental car and you do not know which side the fuel cap is on when arriving at a petrol station. The answer lies right in front of you, on the fuel gauge there is a fuel pump symbol, next to that is an arrow/triangle. If the arrow points to the right your fuel cap is located on the right and if it points to the left then it is located on the left side of the car.

At Start N Drive all students get the opportunity at some point during their driving lessons to put fuel in the car with the driving instructor. At our driving school we believe in teaching students the skills to drive for life not just to pass their test.

Smart Motorways

Smart motorways have been rolled out across the UK in the last decade. They use variable speed limits, can close marked lanes with a red X sign and also utilise the hard shoulder for an extra lane during peak times. This is done by centralised control centres.

It is illegal to drive in a closed lane marked with a red X sign currently resulting in a fine of up £100 and three points on your licence. However work is currently ongoing to pass legislation that will result in stronger penalties enforced.

Driving Lessons On Motorways With A Driving Instructor

It was the law for years that only new drivers could use the motorways once they had passed their driving test. However legislation has been passed that learner drivers can now use them when accompanied by a driving instructor with dual controls.

At Start N Drive our driving school offers driving lessons on the motorway. A 3 hour lesson would be required. A time can be arranged with your driving instructor.

Driving Lessons And The Continuing National Lockdown

Driving lessons to resume

There is a 4 step process which the Government has set out, this is to get England out of the current lockdown.

In the governments roadmap Start N Drive are included in step 2 of the restart plan which means that driving lessons are scheduled to resume again no earlier than the 12th of April. This is the earliest possible date providing that step 1 of the governments roadmap is successful and conditions are met. This also means theory tests are scheduled to start again on the 12th of April and practical driving test on the 22nd of April.

For more information on the Governments roadmap of 4 steps please click here

For our Covid 19 guidelines please click here

Fingers crossed our driving instructors will see you soon to continue or start your driving lessons,

Lockdown 3

driving lessons lockdown 3

Unfortunately from the 25th of December all driving lessons, theory and practical tests are suspended under the governments guide lines due to Covid. However, you can practice driving with someone from your household or support bubble, but only during an essential journey. Our driving instructors will contact our customer’s as soon as information is released as to when driving lessons can commence. The information will also be posted on the Start N Drive website and Facebook. For now stay safe and thank for your patience.

Changes To The Tier System And How It Affects You

driving lessons tier 4

Sussex and Eastbourne are currently in tier 4. The government has announced changes to the tiers from 12:01am on the 25th and 31st of December 2020 to control the spread of coronavirus. The restrictions will remain in place until at least the next formal government review.

Driving lessons
Driving lessons can not take place in Tier 4 areas until the restrictions are lifted. Once the restrictions are lifted driving lessons can be given in Tiers 1 to 3.

Practical Driving tests
All practical driving tests are suspended in Tier 4 areas until the restrictions are lifted. Driving tests will resume in Tiers 1 to 3.
If you have a test booked the DVSA will send you an email with the new time and date though you may have to be a little patient.
If the new time and date is not suitable for you, you can choose to change it by clicking here on the link. They will remain in place until at least the next formal government review.

Theory Tests
All theory tests will be suspended in Tier 4 areas until restrictions are lifted. Theory tests will resume in Tiers 1 to 3.
If you have a theory test booked the DVSA will send you an email stating it is on hold and you will need to reschedule it to new time and date. Though you may have to wait and be little patient or you can change it now by clicking here.

Lockdown How Does This Affect You?

lockdown book driving lessons with driving instructor

The government has announced that England will go into lockdown from Thursday the 5th of November until Wednesday the 2nd of December.

These measures mean all theory tests in England have been suspended from 5th of November and will restart on December the 2nd. If you have a test booked you will receive an email from the DVSA to let you know your test has been put on hold and that you will need to reschedule it for a new time and date.

All practical driving tests are suspended from the 5th of November and will restart on the 2nd of December. If your affected by this then the DVSA will contact you. There are currently tests available in February 2021!

Driving lessons at Start N Drive driving school are also suspended from the 5th of November and will restart on Wednesday the 2nd of December. If your driving instructor has not already booked you for a driving lesson from the 2nd of December, they will contact you to arrange a booking or alternatively you can contact them direct to arrange this.

Booking Your Practical Test

driving lessons and test

The driving test booking system re-opened on the 26th of August at 8am. Due to the high demand it closed the following day. The booking system will now open on Tuesday the 1st of September at 8am, tests are only available 6 weeks in advance. Click this link to book your practical test, please ensure you liaise with your driving instructor first. Due to the high demand and to save disappointment be prepared to log in at 8am. The next set of tests will be released on Monday the 7th of September.

COVID 19 Driving School Guidelines

driving school covid_19 logo

These guidelines are intended to ensure our customers and driving instructors are protected as far as is reasonably practical from the risk of infection from Covid 19.

Before The Driving Lesson

  • Customers will be asked by there driving instructor whether they are well and do not have any COVID related symptoms nor have they been in contact with anyone displaying symptoms.
  • Customers will be reminded to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, in line with government guidance immediately before leaving the house for their lesson.
  • If customers wish to wear disposable gloves or a face mask, they should be put them on just before getting into the car. Although these are not mandatory.
  • Customers should wear clothing that is suitable and covers as much of them as possible, including arms and legs.

During The Driving lesson

  • Customers will be assessed whether they are well enough to start the lesson. If we have any doubts about their condition, we are not obliged to start the lesson.
  • Both customers and driving instructors hands will need to be sanitised before the lesson starts.
  • Instructors are not able to shake hands or share visual aids, pens etc.
  • All touch points within the car will be cleaned.
  • Instructors will be open the windows sufficiently to aid ventilation during the lesson. Air conditioning will be avoided if possible, however if it is used, we will not set it to recirculate.
  • We are not able to allow customers parents, guardians or friends to sit in on the lesson.
  • If we need to check a driving licence this will be completed visually.
  • All customer’s are allowed to wear face masks and gloves if they wish.

After The Driving lesson

  • At the end of the lesson customers will be reminded by there driving instructor to wash their hands as soon as possible after leaving the car.
  • The instructors vehicle will be fully sanitised before the next lesson commences

Finally the news we have all been waiting for!

driving instructors resume


The house of commons leader Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg announced on Thursday the 25th of July that driving lessons are to resume on the 4th of July, Theory tests will also resume on the 4th of July and practical tests will resume on the 22nd of July.

All driving instructors are now waiting on The Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVLA) to release how practical lessons will be conducted safely but have promised this immediately. Please check our website or facebook page for updates.

Start N Drive look forward to see you for driving lessons in Eastbourne.

Covid – 19 Information

driving lessons

When can I have a driving lessons?

We are currently in step 2 of the governments 3 step plan to get back to a normal life. All driving schools and driving instructors come under Step 3 which will not be introduced until the 1st of July. The 4th of July is the date Start N Drive anticipates to be giving driving lessons again, although this does depend on the government and how step 2 unfolds.
Full details of what precautionary measures are to be taken are yet to be released. We will endeavour to fully comply with any measures that need to be taken. Your safety and our driving instructors safety is of the up most importance to us.


When can I have a Theory Test?

Theory Tests are currently suspended to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. Emergency theory tests can be applied for while theory tests are suspended if you are a keyworker. You are classed as a keyworker if your required to work in:

Health and social care
Education and childcare
Key public services
Local and nation government
Food and other necessary goods
Public safety and national security
Utilities, communication and financial services.

If your theory test is cancelled you will receive an email confirming this. An automatic refund will be given, although this may take a few weeks. A further email will be sent to confirm it has been completed. You will then need to re-book a new theory test.

When can I have a Driving Test?

Driving tests are currently suspended at this present time until the end of June. You can apply for an
emergency test if you are a keyworker. To be classed as a keyworker you are required to work in:

Health and social care
Education and childcare
Key public services
Local and nation government
Food and other necessary goods
Public safety and national security
Utilities, communication and financial services.

If your driving test is cancelled you will receive an email confirming when the new driving test has been
re-booked for. You should receive this email two weeks prior to your original test date. Expect the new test date to be around 3 months after your original test date.

You currently cannot book a new driving test, when this service resumes anyone who had their test cancelled will be given priority. This will result in a much longer waiting time than normal.

Covid-19 Impact On Driving Lessons

driving instructor covid 19

Covid 19 – How is it affecting current driving lessons

The pandemic is unprecedented and causing worry and stress to everyone. Our key objective at StartnDrive is to keep our nation safe from the virus, therefore we have made the decision to postpone all driving lessons until we have been given advice from the government that we can return safely, for the benefit of our Driving Instructors and the public we serve. 

We would like to thank you for your understanding at this difficult time. All of your pre –paid block lessons are safe and will be continued once the lock down is lifted. 

Nationwide all test centres are currently closed and tests are not pre bookable. Please rest assured that if you have a driving test booked for the next few weeks the DVLA have advised that they will ensure you are a priority once the test centers are open again.   

Are you a new customer? 

StartnDrive recommend that any new customers wishing to start lessons now or within the next 3 months should email/text or call today to prevent any disappointment. We anticipate a huge surge once the lock down is lifted and potential delays due to the back log, so please do get in touch to avoid disappointment. 

Coronavirus or COVID-19 16/03/2020

SND driving school info on corona for driving instructors and driving lessons

Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a new illness which affects the lungs and airways. Symptoms are a high temperature and continuous cough. In East Sussex there are currently two confirmed cases of people testing positive for coronavirus or COVID-19 on the 13th and 16th of March 2020, according to Public Health England.

Our driving instructors would like you to stay at home if you have coronavirus symptoms which are either:
A high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
A new continuous cough – this means you’ve started coughing repeatedly

If you have the symptoms stay at home for 7 days or if you live with other people, they should stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person who got the symptoms.

To avoid catching and spreading coronavirus:
Wash your hands with soap and water frequently for at least 20 seconds
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve, do not use your hands when you cough or sneeze
Do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth if your hands are not clean

Start N Drive’s number one priority is the safety and well-being of our students and driving instructors. The driving instructor will ensure that the car is frequently cleaned with an antibacterial cleaning product. Please could we ask all our students at our driving school to wash their hands before the start of their driving lesson.

For more information please click on the link below


Beginners Offer First 2 Hours £50